Android Development Training

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What is the

Android Development Program?

Android programming refers to the development of applications for the Android operating system, which is the most widely used mobile operating system globally. Android is developed by Google and is based on the Linux kernel. Android applications are typically written in the Java or Kotlin programming languages. Android programming is diverse and covers a wide range of topics, from UI design to data storage, security, and device-specific features. As the Android platform evolves, developers should stay updated with the latest tools, APIs, and best practices in Android development.

Plenary for

Android Development Training

Track Week Days Weekends Fast Track
Course Duration 160 - 180 Days 30 Weekends 25 Days
Hours 1 Hrs. Per Day 2 Hrs. Per Day 6+ Hrs. Per Day
Training Mode Classroom/Online Classroom/Online Classroom/Online
About Instructor :

Real Time Expert

14+ Years Experience as Full-Stack Java Developer in Reputed Company Like Wipro, TCS
Course Price at :

₹19,999   ₹25,000

Who Can Learn

Android Development

  • Individuals with a programming background, especially those familiar with Java or Kotlin, can easily transition to Android development.
  • Students studying computer science or related fields and individuals who have a keen interest in technology can learn Android development as part of expanding their skill set.
  • Web developers looking to extend their skills to mobile app development can find Android development to be a natural progression. Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can also be beneficial for developing hybrid mobile apps using frameworks like React Native.
  • Freelancers and remote workers can explore Android development as a valuable skill to offer mobile app development services to clients or work on personal projects.
  • Game developers interested in creating mobile games can leverage Android development skills to target a large user base on Android devices.

Tsofttech was established to inform people about the newest technological developments, as the field of technology advances and people must stay up to date to compete in the market. We offer a group of instructors who will give you a comprehensive understanding of the specific technical courses you are interested in.

This is not the end of our job. The chance to work on real-time projects under the supervision of our real-time trainers is provided by Tsofttech. A technical back end team will always be ready to respond to your questions at any time and will help you make arrangements.

Why Tsofttech For

Android Developer Training?

Tsofttech is the top training facility for Android Development Training, offering corporate instruction to several well-known businesses. Every session in the Android Development Training uses real-world examples and scenarios to impart lessons. We offer real-time assistance with job market information, resume preparation, interview preparation, problem-solving techniques for projects in the workplace, and approach to the job market.

Tsofttech offers Android Development Classroom Training in Hyderabad as well as remote learning from any location. We offer all course recordings, materials, resume samples, and other pertinent information. We offer Online Android Development Training in many countries, including South Africa, Sweden, Malaysia, Singapore, USA, Japan, and India. Tsofttech offers corporate training globally based on the needs of the company requirements with well experience real time experts.

Modules we discus in

Android Development Course

  • Overview of the Android platform and its architecture.
  • Understanding the Android development environment.
  • Setting up Android Studio, the official IDE for Android development.
  • Basic programming concepts in Java or Kotlin.
  • Data types, variables, control flow, and functions.
  • Building user interfaces using XML layout files.
  • UI components, views, and layouts.
  • Styling and theming Android applications.
  • Understanding activities as the building blocks of Android applications.
  • Navigating between activities using intents.
  • Introduction to fragments for building flexible UIs.
  • Working with fragment transactions.
  • Creating dynamic lists of data using RecyclerView.
  • Implementing custom adapters.
  • Saving data using Shared Preferences.
  • Working with SQLite databases for local data storage.
  • Making HTTP requests using Android's networking libraries.
  • Consuming web services and handling JSON data.
  • Performing background tasks using AsyncTask or other mechanisms.
  • Implementing services for background processing.
  • Introduction to modern architecture components such as ViewModel, LiveData, and Room for database interactions.
  • Integrating Firebase for features like real-time databases, authentication, and cloud messaging.
  • Design principles and guidelines for creating visually appealing and consistent UIs using Material Design.
  • Understanding security considerations, including data encryption and secure coding practices.
  • Techniques for debugging Android applications.
  • Unit testing and UI testing.
  • Overview of the process for publishing an app on the Google Play Store.
  • Preparing assets, screenshots, and metadata.
  • Advanced UI features and animations.
  • Integrating third-party libraries and SDKs.
  • Handling different screen sizes and resolutions.
  • A practical project where learners apply the skills they've acquired to build a complete Android application.
Course Highlights in

Android Development Program

Hands-On Learning

Engage in hands-on learning through interactive activities, simulations, and practical exercises to deepen your understanding and enhance your skills.

Guest Lecturer and Industry Experts

Enrich your education with insights from guest lecturers and industry experts who bring real-world experience to the classroom.

Online Learning Resources

Access a plethora of online learning resources to expand your knowledge, ranging from interactive courses and video lectures to e-books and virtual labs.

Resume Preparation

Craft a compelling resume showcasing your skills, experience, and accomplishments to effectively communicate your professional value and stand out to potential employers.

Individual Mock Interviews by Real Time Experts

Sharpen your interview skills through individual mock interviews conducted by real-time experts, gaining valuable insights and constructive feedback to excel in your professional job search.

Job Placement Support

Receive comprehensive job placement support to navigate the employment landscape successfully, including personalized guidance, networking opportunities, and resources to secure fulfilling career opportunities.


Real-time classroom and online sessions provide direct communication with the trainers. During the sessions, students are encouraged to ask questions and get all of their doubts answered.

Yes, we will offer training resources and guidelines to aid in more effective learning of the subject. There is also an assignment and notes available to work on real-world scenarios.

We are an extremely cost-effective training facility offering top-notch instruction at incredibly low and competitive prices.

Indeed, remote attendance is particularly integrated into online classrooms. Users of online programs can access the classroom from any location as long as they have a strong internet connection.

Yes, we help candidates get employment after they successfully finish and receive certification in the course in which they registered.

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